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Clean room coating

Functional surfaces are gaining in importance, especially in medical technology. They help to make the treatment for patients and procedures for doctors easier. Functional coatings simplify processing across the entire healthcare enterprise, and hence reduce costs.

Low-particle coating

For medical coating processes, ADELHELM offers clean rooms of the ISO 9/8 class. In the clean room, we coat your substrates according to sensitive quality standards and legal requirements. We meet your high requirements for the functionality and quality of the surfaces on different substrates with FDA-conformant and biocompatible coating systems. After particle-free cleaning and packaging according to DIN guidelines, the substrates from the clean room at ADELHELM are sent directly to the clean rooms of the recipient.

Materials for coating in the clean room

The range of coating materials includes pure fluoroplastics and fluoropolymer derivatives, non-fluorinated polymers (PA, PEEK, and PU) as well as silicones, and silicone derivatives. Our hydrophilic coatings improve the lubricity of catheters, guide wires, dilators or other life science products. In minimally invasive surgery, endoscopy and electro surgery, the functionalization of the coated surfaces are very important for reusable and disposable instruments.





  • Medical technology (Life Science)


Talk to us about your requirements. 
We will find the ideal solution for you.

Tel. +49 7121 98 8 56-0

USA Tel. 1-262-363-1701


Dieses Beschichtungsverfahren finden Sie bei uns bei folgenden Unternehmen:
„de“  ADELHELM Kunststoffbeschichtungen GmbH
„us“  ADELHELM LubriCoat North America LLC

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