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Integrated management system at ADELHELM

The integrated management system (IMS) of ADELHELM Kunststoffbeschichtungen GmbH and ADELHELM LubriCoat GmbH covers the areas of quality, environmental protection and energy. By combining resources and expertise, we create synergy that benefits our customers, the environment and businesses alike.

Quality management at ADELHELM

For us, quality means not only meeting the demands, expectations, and wishes of our customers, but also surpassing them wherever possible. That is why we continually work to improve our products, services and processes. The continuous improvement process at ADELHELM is based on ISO 9001 certification. A 100% quality claim is our goal and guiding value for your trust and maximum satisfaction.


At ADELHELM, environmental protection has always been an integral part of our corporate strategy. Our values are based on social responsibility and respect for our environment. For all ADELHELM products the requirements are high quality, environmentally friendly, and innovative coatings. We regularly inspect our environmental objectives as defined in environmental management standard ISO 14001, we are constantly working to reduce solid waste, waste water, and emissions.


Energy consumption is part of the integrated management system because it affects all areas of the company. As an energy-intensive industrial company, it is our goal to identify and exploit opportunities along the entire value chain to increase energy efficiency and environmental protection

All measures are embedded in environmental and energy management systems according to DIN EN 14001 and 50001 of the ADELHELM Group.

Energy management with the example of Eningen

The new building at the Eningen location (opened in 2015) focuses on energy from sustainable resources. The waste heat from an adjacent biogas plant is used in our building. Generators not only generate electricity from biogas, but the generator waste heat generated during the generation of electricity is also fed into the company building via a local heating line. This significantly increases the efficiency of the system. Highly insulated steel pipes allow the pump flow to surge at temperatures of 80 °C.

“We take our self-defined aspirations seriously - reduction of our ecological footprint - and biogas heat is only one aspect. 90% of the new lighting units are based on LED technology. 89% of lighting technology could be obtained from Europe. Now, we are working on integrating the available roof surfaces for solar power generation. Electricity, which we then want to use ourselves. “
Thomas Adelhelm

Quality assurance: Testing and measuring instruments

Quality assurance at ADELHELM offers you a broad portfolio of testing and measuring instruments. The following overview shows the most important devices and tests at a glance.
Infrared spectroscope _ Materials analysis
Contact angle measurement _ Determination of the surface tension
_ Testing the wettability of surfaces
Universal-testing-machine _ Material analysis
_ Tensile tests
_ Determination of press-in forces
_ Determination of friction forces
Laser measuring instrument _ Diameter inspection
_ Concentricity test
Conductivity measuring instrument _ Measurement of the conductivity of coated surfaces
_ Measurement of the discharge capacity of coated surfaces
High-voltage test equipment _ Pore impermeability of coatings
_ Insulation properties of coatings
Image processing systems _ Check of elastomers for surface defects
_ Check of elastomers for extraneous materials
Stereo microscope _ Material analysis
_ Coating thickness measurement
Laser measuring instrument _ Coating thickness measurement
Profile projector _ Shape control of components
Roughness measuring instruments _ Roughness
_ Contact ratio
Eddy current – measuring device instruments _ Coating thickness measurement
Induction - measuring instruments _ Coating thickness measurement
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several certificates of the adelhelm coaters group