+49 (0) 7121 98856-0
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Consciously sustainable

Sustainable management at ADELHELM means to invest conscientiously:

  • in relationships in order to strengthen them,

  • in people in order to further develop their skills,

  • in technologies in order to improve them,

  • in assets in order to maintain them.

All this together helps us to remain resilient and strong in an ever-changing environment.



Environmentally AWARE

We influence our environment – we are always aware of this. We are therefore consistently working to minimize our ecological footprint. Primarily, we are trying to reduce the use of volatile organic compounds, or VOC products. This objective is achieved by testing alternatives and improving the efficiency of the application.

id 7602
Eingang des Hauptgebäudes der Adelhelm Unternehmensgruppe
id 7603
Manual application of non stick coatings (PTFE Teflon)