+49 (0) 7121 98856-0
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Bonded coatings & dry lubrication

You can rely on LubriCoat when it comes to dry lubrication coatings and bonded coatings: We offer all application techniques and only use raw materials from experienced and reputable suppliers. In many areas, dry lubrication coatings are more effective and durable than conventional coatings. These bonded coatings are suspensions of finely divided solid lubricants such as, MoS2, PTFE or dissolved graphite. Your advantage: They often enable maintenance-free permanent lubrication. They ensure material separation even in critical states of movement. They do not age and do not bind with dirt.

Xylan® coatings as an alternative to Teflon™ coating?

In addition to Chemours, ppg also offers some fluoropolymer coatings.
These are marketed under the name Xylan®. In addition to non-stick and antifriction properties, properties such as wear, chemical and corrosion protection can also be found under the Xylan® name.
ppg and the Adelhelm group of companies work very closely together, which is why we can offer you the best quality for Xylan® coatings.

Properties of your choice

Whether wear or noise reduction is selected: The right coating gives the desired characteristics to steel, stainless steel, aluminum, non-ferrous metals and sintered materials. For plastics and components made of elastomers, flexible coatings follow the movements of the carrier material.

On request, we also offer thin PTFE bonded and non-stick coatings with electrically conductive function.

Typical for bonded coating & dry lubrication:

  • Low coefficient of friction
  • High pressure resistance
  • Extremely temperature resistant
  • High chemical resistance
  • Electrically non-conductive
  • Clean assembly
  • Application also on very complex components, e.g. internal thread
  • Economical application procedures



  • Fittings industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Electrical engineering
  • Energy sector
  • Semiconductor industry
  • Maintenance / Repair
  • Plastics processing industry 
  • Laboratory technology
  • Coatings technology
  • Food industry 
  • Aviation industry
  • Machinery and plant engineering
  • Medical technology (Life Science)
  • Measurement and level control technology
  • Furniture industry
  • Off-Shore
  • Paper and printing industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Transport sector
  • Watch industry / Luxury goods
  • Packaging industry


Describe us your project and we will find
the perfect coating solution for you.

Tel. +49 7121 98 8 56-0

USA Tel. 1-262-363-1701

Dieses Beschichtungsverfahren finden Sie bei uns bei folgenden Unternehmen:
„de“  ADELHELM LubriCoat GmbH
„us“  ADELHELM LubriCoat North America LLC

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